EditiX 5.2.2
April, the 10 th 2007
Version : 5.2.2
Build : 100407
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News :
* Common :
Action for cleaning the DTD cache
* W3C Schema Editor :
Schema is now validated
EditiX 5.2.1
April, the 02 th 2007
Version : 5.2.1
Build : 020407
Bugs fixed :
- Error fixed with DTD caching
- Wrong variable name was not located for XSLT transformation
EditiX 5.2
March, the 22 th 2007
Version : 5.2
Build : 220307
* Common :
- Refactoring for elements, attributes,prefixes,namespaces,entities,pi,comments
- Drag'n drop from the file system for editing files
- Drag'n drop from the project view to other view for getting file path
- HTML 3.2 and HTML 4.0 preview replaced by HTML preview using your system browser
- New AUTOMATIC encoding mode for letting editix chooses the most appropriate file encoding
- Project content is used for filling selection from comboBox components
- Option for cleaning the most recent opened project files
- Import by HTTP dialog (with GET or POST request)
- Entity character dialog has been moved to the left panel
- More delimiters choice for CSV importing
* Project Manager :
- Project actions available inside the File menu and inside a popup menu
- Drag'n drop with multiple files from the file systems
- Multiple files can be deleted
- Tooltip with file path when moving the mouse on a node
- A file not found is shown in red
- An action can refresh file status (found/not found)
- Popup action for opening the selected file
- New export action for using your project files in another computer easily
it will create relative path.
* XSLT Editor :
- Drag'n drop from the file system for choosing a file
- Drag'n drop from data source root node is available
- An "apply-templates" is added automatically when dropping a source node for a template
- The tree tab is the default one
- When the xslt editor is maximized the data source file is not loaded for performance
- Refactoring for template name, template mode, parameters, variables
- XSLT output path comboBox filled with known XHTML documents
- When editing the result document, the editor switches to the best editor type (html,xsl-fo...)
* FO Editor :
- Shortcut alt j for repeating the transformation
* W3C Schema Editor :
- Refactoring for elements, attributes and types.
Bugs fixed :
- Project panel was sometimes not shown
- Drag'n drop outside the project worked only once
- Sometimes, wrong XSLT file path in the XSLT dialog
- Problem for directories with the ZIP browser
- DocBook stylesheets were not found on Linux/Unix version
- XSLT breakpoints dialog couldn't be shown
- When opening a large document with a schema, attributes could'nt be inserted
- Encoding could be wrong when saving a template
- Current XML file was not a default one for XSLT transformation
: 5.1
Build : 161206
News :
* Common :
- New window framework
- New XPath evaluator both for 1.0 and 2.0
- Window for current file info
- User can change the file encoding or file type while editing
- Copy file location action inside the document tabbed pane
- The current document can be renamed through the contextual menu
- User can clean the last opened files history
* New Project Manager :
- Add file or group of files inside the project panel
- Drag'n drop for elements and groups
- Drag'n drop from the file system
- Automatic restore for the last opened project
* XSLT Editor :
- Stylesheet parameters found are added in the transformation dialog
- File extension added for the result file name using the output method data
- When selecting a current XML document for data source, firstly the document was not selected
- When dragging and dropping a node from the data source to the main editor, user can choose value-of possibilities
- The file result is stored by default in the same directory of the file source
Bugs fixed :
- Multiple error message when transforming without data source
- File extension could be wrongly missing for the 'saveAs' action
- File extension is automatically added when choosing a format for XSL-FO output (pdf,rtf...)
- XPath result with attribute node can be shown inside the document
- Attribute syntax color with multiple lines
- Indentation and prefix could be wrong for drag'n drop operations inside the XSLT editor
- Document result dialog for XSLT ignored htm and xml file extensions.
: 5.0
Build : 050906
News :
* XML Editor :
- Errors displayed in the text column
- Errors on-the-fly shown in the tree nodes
- Errors from external sources (dtd, schema) can be opened and located automatically
- Tooltips in the tree node by node with the XPath location or the bound error
- User can increase/decrease the content assistant size with "control" and "+" or "-" keys.
- Comment panel added inside the content assistant
- DTD parser manages SGML/DTD comments
- Auto closing tag will check for already closing part
- Assistant for closing a tag
* DTD Editor :
- Assistant for the choice of element in the ATTLIST
- Assistant for the choice of content in the ELEMENT
- Assistant for the choice of #REQUIRED/CDATA... inside the ATTLIST content
* W3C Schema Editor :
- On-the-fly documentation when choosing an element
- Code assistant for choosing a type (taking into account the targetNamespace)
- Code assistant for extension/restriction type (taking into account the targetNamespace)
- Code assistant for reference (taking into account the targetNamespace)
- Code assistant for substitutionGroup (taking into account the targetNamespace)
* XSL-FO Editor :
- On-the-fly documentation when choosing an element
- Completed template
- Code assistant for referring to a master-reference page
- Code assistant for referring a region name
- Added automatic extension and document relative path support from transformation dialog
- External viewer available for windows platform
* XSLT Editor :
- Prefix color for xs,xsl
- On-the-fly documentation when choosing an element
- Schema namespace inside the template for XSLT 2.0
- A transformation result can be shown with an external browser
- The data source tree is available
- User can drag and drop a data source node to the xslt editor for adding a 'template' or a 'for-each' element
- Code assistant when calling a template name
- Code assistant for retrieving the param or variable name following the '$' caracter
- Default xslt editor state (maximized) in the xslt preference or override inside a project
- Default template for XSLT 2.0 fixed
* Other :
- The last parameters (path...) are restored when using the "open recent" menu.
- DTD documentation generator
- Relative assignation for DTD, W3C Schema, XSLT and CSS
- The file browser state is saved when restarting editix
- When opening a document, a character encoding can be choosen
- Each editor can be extracted to individual window
- Menu for selecting an extracted window
- FileBrowser enhanced for ordering by directories or files
- FileBrowser multiple files selection and autoscroll when moving a file
- Embedded elements documentation for W3C Schema, XSLT 1.0 and XSL-FO
- Embedded reference documentation for XML 1.0,W3C Schema,XPath,XSLT 1.0 and XSL-FO
- Preference file/restoredLastPath for saving the last visited path
- Copy file location
- XQuery dialog improved
- Using opened documents when assigning DTD,W3C Schema or RelaxNG
- About dialog contains the XERCES,SAXON,FOP current version
Bugs fixed :
- 'a:' reading from the filebrowser for windows platform
- When canceling a saving operation, an empty document was added in the open recent menu
- Problem on tree filter choose
- Scrolling while drag'n drop a tree node
- Big entity name or value displayed correctly inside the content assistant
- Copy/Paste could add some extra lines
- Whitespace for attributes value preserved
- Scrolling to the end when opening a DTD document fixed
- Some dialog buttons fixed
- XQuery usage for document validated by a W3C Schema
- DocBook path for windows platform
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