Présentation en Français
EditiX is a powerful and easy
to use XML editor, Visual Schema Editor, XQuery Editor and XSLT debugger for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X
designed to help web authors and application programmers take advantage
of the latest XML and XML-related technologies such as XSLT / FO,
DocBook and XSD Schema. EditiX provides users with an extensive range
of XML functionality within a refined IDE that guides you with
intelligent entry helpers. EditiX has realtime XPath location and
syntax error detection. Helpers are also provided with context syntax
popup supporting DTD, Schema and RelaxNG. EditiX supports multiple
templates and project management. User can apply XSLT or FO Transformation and show the result with a dedicated view. All the
process can be managed by shortcuts. Working locally is managed with
OASIS XML Catalogs. EditiX includes default templates with XML, DTD,
- File :
- Create a new document from a template
- Default template : XML,DTD,XSLT,XHTML,DocBook,W3C XML
Schema,XML RelaxNG,MathML,SVG,XSL-Fo,Ant, CSS
- Import a CSV (Excel) document
- Close the current document
- Save the current document
- Save the current document in another directory
- Save the current document as a template
- Open/Save a document by FTP
- Open/Save a document by webDAV
- Open/Save a document from a ZIP or JAR
- Change the default encoding (UTF8...)
- Print the current document
- Project :
- Save a project in another directory
- Editing :
- Drag'n Drop for tree nodes
- Copy,Cut,Paste
- Duplicate the sibling nodes
- Bookmark your node location
- Surround the selection by a tag
- Surround the selection by a comment
- Surround the selection by a CDATA section
- Refactoring for elements, attributes, namespaces, entities...
- Search :
- Find/Replace with regular expression and incremental
- Search with an XPath expression
- Search with multiple criterias
- Show the next/previous of the current tag
- Show the beginning/end of the current tag
- Options :
- Run an external program using macros for the current
file path...
- use a custom JAXP transformer
- Template :
- Encoding,cursor parameters
- Assign a name, icon and file extension
- View :
- Split a view horizontally or vertically

New document

XML Editing

Tree and error location


Multiple error management

Extract the current document to an individual window

Synchronized tree and location

Search/Replace |
XML Action
- XML :
- Comment a part of the document
- Content assistant based on W3C XML Schema, DTD and
- Content assistant working with sequence for W3C XML
- Create and use a temporary schema for the content
- Build/Run an xpath expression
- Build/Run an Xquery expression
- Compare with anoter document
- Lock/Unlock the tag change
- Plug your XML and XSLT JAXP class
- XML / Schema :
- Visual W3C Schema editor
- Assign a DTD/W3C XML Schema or XML RelaxNG to a
document. It will generate an XML Instance for DTD and W3C XML Schema.
- Generate a DTD/W3C XML Schema or XML Relax NG from
the current XML
- Convert a DTD to W3C XML Schema/XML RelaxNG
- Convert an XML RelaxNG to W3C XML Schema, DTD
- DTD Assistants for elements content and attributes
- W3C Assistants for types, references,substitution,extension
- Generate an HTML documentation for your DTD or W3C Schema.
- Transforming :
- FO to PDF, Gui windows, MIF, XML, Print, PCL, PS,
Txt, SVG
- Docbook to HTML, HTML Help, XHTML, Java Help, FO,
PDF, XML, Print, PCL, PS, Txt, SVG
- Shortkey for repeating the last transformation
- FO Assistants for master-reference and region

Assistant for DTD element content

Assistant for W3C Schema type

Window helper when choosing an element

Visual Schema Edition

FO Assistant sample
1.0/2.0 Editor
- Show the XML document and the result document
- Eval an Xpath expression from the current node of the
XML document
- Transforming with XSLT with parameters
- Enabled/Disabled XSLT completion
- Run until the first breakpoint
- Terminate the XSLT debugging
- Repeat the last transformation
- Drag'n Drop for template and for-each element
- Automatic description when choosing an element
- Assistant for variables or parameters
- Assistant for calling a template
XSLT Editor helper

XSLT Assistant sample

Building your XSLT document with drag'n drop |
XQuery Editor
- Show the XML document and the result document
- Assistant for Functions, Keywords and XPath Axis
- Define Namespaces (bound to prefixes)
- Edit or display the result document
- XQuery Syntax Checker
XML Diff
- Compare the current document to another one
- Compare node removed, added, moved, attributes and
namespace change
- Show the line inside the Editor for the left document
- Icon and color for each change type
- Summary of all descendant's changes for each node
- Summary of all changes at the root node
- Selection of a changed node in a table of changes

XML Diff usage